巧克力心披萨用木槌粉碎 - 独特的甜点


Sugar Plum 手工制作了一款注定要被打破的巧克力心披萨。我们独特的甜点配有木槌来敲碎。为这款创意美食小吃而神魂颠倒!这款精美的礼物在美食网络上亮相,非常适合满足任何甜食爱好者的需求


打开颓废之后,就可以用木槌敲碎心了。制作一口大小的巧克力,为每个人提供甜蜜的盛宴。点一份 Sugar Plum 的心形甜点披萨,尽情享受吧。


10% of Proceeds Will Go Directly to the #EndJewHatred Movement

#EndJewHatred is a non-partisan international grassroots civil rights movement that unites ordinary people, activists, and organizations from around the world who support the cause that defines the movement: to end Jew-hatred in our lifetime.

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