Información de envío y entrega
¿Se pueden enviar pedidos a territorios de EE. UU. y destinos internacionales?
En la mayoría de los casos, Sugar Plum Chocolates puede enviar su pedido a territorios de EE. UU. y destinos internacionales. Sin embargo, en algunos casos es posible que no podamos hacerlo. Para obtener más información y ayuda para realizar su pedido, comuníquese con nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente al (800) 447-8427.
¿Cómo se calculan los gastos de envío?
Ofrecemos entrega terrestre gratuita en todos los pedidos superiores a $75 y envío terrestre de $10 en cualquier pedido por un total de $75 o menos.
¿Cuánto tardará en procesar mi pedido?
Recibirá una confirmación de envío cuando su pedido haya sido enviado e información de seguimiento dentro de las 24 a 48 horas posteriores al envío. Tenga en cuenta que los pedidos recibidos después de las 14:00 horas se procesarán al día siguiente. Las 2:00 p.m. es nuestra fecha límite de envío.
¿Puedo recibir mi pedido el sábado?
Para solicitar información sobre una entrega en sábado en su área, comuníquese con nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente al (800) 447-8427.
¿Hacen envíos a apartados de PO, APO, AD y FPO?
No, lo sentimos pero no podemos entregar chocolate a apartados de correos.
¿Qué opciones de regalo están disponibles durante el envío de mi pedido de chocolates Sugar Plum?
Sugar Plum Chocolates ofrece la posibilidad de enviar su pedido como regalo. Cuando elige enviar su pedido a una dirección distinta a su dirección de facturación, Sugar Plum solo incluirá su mensaje personalizado, no se incluirá información sobre precios.
¿Cuál es la política de envío de verano?
Nuestros chocolates hechos a mano son sensibles a temperaturas superiores a 75˚ F. Como resultado, nos reservamos el derecho de actualizar su envío a DURANTE LA NOCHE si la temperatura de salida y/o destino es de 75˚ F o más. Tenga en cuenta que se agregará a su pedido un recargo por hielo de $8.00 (¡para bolsas de hielo reutilizables!). Sin embargo, este cargo no aparecerá en el extracto de su carrito de compras. Estos pedidos solo se enviarán de lunes a jueves para evitar el tránsito de fin de semana. Si el destinatario del paquete no se encuentra en casa en el momento de la entrega, nuestros transportistas dejarán el paquete en su puerta. Sugar Plum no puede ser responsable de los daños si usted (o el destinatario del producto) no está presente en el momento de la entrega y el daño se produce como consecuencia del retraso en reclamar el paquete.
Shopping Online
Click the "Account" button displayed at the top menu on our website to view orders you have placed. Then click the “Change quantities / cancel orders” link to find and edit your order. Please note that once an order has begun processing or has shipped, the order is no longer editable.
If you provide your email address when placing your order, Sugar Plum Chocolates will immediately send you an order confirmation email. You will receive a shipping confirmation email as soon as your order ships.
Please contact our customer service department at 1-800-447-8427.
Shipping & Returns
In most cases, Sugar Plum Chocolates is able to ship your order to US territories and international destinations. However, in some cases we may be unable to. For more information and assistance with placing your order please contact our customer service department at (800) 447-8427.In most cases, Sugar Plum Chocolates is able to ship your order to US territories and international destinations. However, in some cases we may be unable to. For more information and assistance with placing your order please contact our customer service department at (800) 447-8427.
You will receive a shipment confirmation when your order has shipped and tracking information within 24-48 hours of shipment. Please note that orders received after 2pm will be processed the following day. 2pm is our shipping cut off deadline.
For standard shipping your order will arrive within 2-7 business days.
Overnight delivery will arrive the next business day as long as your order has been placed by 2pm Eastern Standard Time.
To inquire about a Saturday delivery in your area please contact our customer service department at (800) 447-8427.
Yes, we will ship to military bases using an APO or FPO address.
No, we do not ship to PO boxes.
Sugar Plum Chocolates offers the ability to ship your order as gifts. When you choose to send your order to an address other than your billing address, Sugar Plum will only include your personalized message, no pricing information will be included.
Our handmade chocolates are sensitive to temperatures above 75˚ F. As a result, we reserve the right to upgrade your shipping to OVERNIGHT if the departure and/or destination temperature is 75˚ F or above. Please be aware that an $8.00 ice surcharge (reusable ice packs!) will be added to your order. However, this charge will not appear on your shopping cart statement. These orders will only ship Monday’s through Thursday’s to avoid weekend transit. If the recipient of the package is not at home when delivered, our carriers will leave the package at your doorstep. Sugar Plum cannot be responsible for damage if you (or the recipient of the product) are not present at the time of delivery and the damage occurs as a result of the delay in claiming the package.
Due to the food-based nature of our products, Sugar Plum does not accept any returns of our products. All sales are final.
All of our products are manufactured in a facility that may also contain tree nuts, peanuts and soy.
All of our chocolate has a 12 month shelf life.
Some of our products are Kosher Certified. If a product is Kosher it will have the Kosher label.
If stored under the proper conditions, our products will retain their freshness for months. The most favorable storage temperature for our chocolate products is between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The product should also be stored in a cool and dry place.
Sugar Plum can create favor boxes and personalized gifts for most any occasion. Please contact our support team at
Safety, Security, & Privacy
Yes! Our entire online ordering process uses secure socket layer (SSL) encryption.
Absolutely not. Sugar Plum Chocolates respects our customer’s privacy and does not share your personal information with any third parties.
Please call us at 570-288-0559.
Unfortunately, due to company policies and for liability reasons, we do not offer tours to the public.